Web Based Procurement Icon


Browse the topics below for detailed information on how to use Incompass for web-based procurement workflows.

Procurement Catalog

  1. Click Catalog on the vertical navigation on the left of the Incompass module screen.
  2. Select the category of the item you are looking to procure to view all item options.
  3. Choose the individual item you are looking to procure. This will open the item procurement screen.
  4. Using the quantity drop down, select or type in the desired quantity. The total cost will automatically update based on the quantity entered.
  5. Click the green Add to Cart button to progress to the check out step of the workflow.

Procurement Cart

  1. Choose quantity amount by using the drop down next to the item selected in the shopping cart.
  2. View the updated estimated price based on quantity on the right side of the cart.
  3. To save a shopping cart to recall later on, click Save Cart to Shopping List button on the left.
  4. To load a previously saved shopping cart for easy checkout, click the Load Shopping List button next to the Save Cart to Shopping List button.
  5. Create a proposal by clicking the Create Proposal button on the right side of the cart.
Tmb Procurement Cart Screen

Procurement Invoice Status & Reporting

  1. Click View All Invoices button to see history of invoices.
  2. View Saved Shopping Carts on the right side of the Incompass guide
  3. View Past Due Invoices by clicking the button located at the bottom of the section.
  4. View Open Orders on the right side of the Incompass guide.
Procurement Invoice Status Reporting

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