Configuration Icon


Browse the topics below for detailed information on how to use Incompass for configuration workflows.

Configuration Menu

  1. Navigate the configuration menu to find the desired item that needs to be customized.
  2. Select desired item to customize.
Configuration Menu

Form Customization

  1. Utilize the configuration menu to select fields and sections that need to be customized.
  2. Choose the display field by clicking the drop down in the top right corner of the guide and the display field chosen will display the value of the selected field on related records.
  3. Add new sections by clicking the plus sign icon next to sections on the right.
  4. Drag and drop fields in the section to reorganize the form.
  5. Edit field name, type, dropdown options, API name, etc by clicking the pencil icon next to any of the desired fields in the section.
  6. Create new fields by clicking the plus sign icon next to available fields.
Form Customization

Quick Actions

  1. Select desired module at the top of the Incompass guide to create quick actions.
  2. Create a new quick action by clicking the plus sign icon next to the Quick Actions section.
  3. Edit a quick action by selecting the desired action in the Quick Action section.
  4. Name the quick action by clicking the pencil icon next to the desired quick action on display.
  5. Add quick action fields and defaults by clicking the plus sign icon on the desired quick action selected.
Quick Actions

Custom Items

  1. Create new custom items by clicking the plus sign icon next to Custom Item Types in the left side navigation.
  2. After creating and selecting the custom item, edit the name of the item.
  3. Add fields under the Custom Item Type Fields section by clicking the plus sign icon.
  4. Add data points to the custom item by selecting the list icon on the top right of the guide.
  5. Delete custom items by using the red trash can icon on the top right of the guide.
Custom Items

Approval Flows

  1. Create new approval flows by clicking the plus sign icon on the top left of the guide.
  2. Edit approval flows by selecting the flow under the Approvals section.
  3. Edit the flow name by clicking the pencil icon.
  4. Add approval steps to the flow by clicking the plus sign icon near Contract Approvals.
  5. Select approval roles, define approval & rejection requirements in the Contract Edit Flow pop-up window.
Approval Flows

Event Management

  1. Choose desired module at the top of the Incompass guide.
  2. Choose when an event will trigger by creating a new one with the plus sign icon on the right of the guide.
  3. Edit the event to further setup desired information like name and approval flow that will run.
  4. Add integrations, email addresses and event criteria in the Edit Event pop-up window then click submit.
Event Management


  1. Use the toggle under Themeing to switch to dark mode.
  2. Use hex codes for primary and secondary colors for more specified themeing.
  3. Select desired color among the options then click Set Theme Color

Audit Trail

  1. Access an audit trail to track all activity of changes made to Incompass on the left side navigation by selecting Activity Logs.
  2. User, timestamp, and change detail are captured in a list for easy viewing.
  3. Utilize the quick actions on the top right of the guide to download CSV or XLS files, print, and filter data.
Audit Trail

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