Administration Icon


Browse the topics below for detailed information on how to use Incompass for administration workflows.

Administration Menu

  1. Select the wrench from the top right corner of the Incompass guide to access the administration menu.
  2. View and edit permission groups, role hierarchy, activity logs, and more on the left side of the guide in the navigation menu.
  3. Add and edit users, set user permissions, create and edit roles, define role hierarchy and more from the navigation menu.
  4. View active approval requests, approval history, activity history and reporting for procurement.
  5. Select the desired action from the left navigation menu to complete tasks needed and configure Incompass.
Administration Menu

Permission Groups

  1. Add permission groups by clicking the plus sign icon at the top left of the guide.
  2. At the top of the guide, name the permission group under where it says group name.
  3. Delete a permission group by clicking the red trash can at the top right of the guide.
  4. Choose a color to help better identify permission groups.
  5. Use the toggle next to each permission action to select what permissions apply to the group you are creating or editing.
  6. Edit permission groups by selecting the group on the left side menu.
Permission Groups

Role Tree

  1. Create roles by clicking the plus sign icon under the role tree chart.
  2. Add child roles by clicking the plus sign icon next to the managerial role to add to the role hierarchy.
  3. Click the minus sign icon next to any role to delete them from the role hierarchy.
  4. Edit role names by selecting the pencil icon next to the roles to make clear differentiations.
  5. Collapse and expand the role hierarchy for easy viewing by selecting the boxed minus sign on the left of the role name.
Role Tree

Activity Logs

  1. Drill down into activity information by locating and selecting the activity record.
  2. Download a CSV or XLS report by clicking the download button at the top right of the guide to export.
  3. Select the printer icon at the top right to have a hard copy of the report printed.
  4. Click the filter icon at the top right to view the activity logs easier by filtering by role.
  5. After selection, view log details in a pop-up box that features the activity log information.
Activity Logs

Define Procurement Catalog Permission Groups

  1. Click the lock icon at the top of the guide to view catalog permission groups.
  2. Create new catalog permission groups by clicking the plus sign icon on the left next to Catalog Permission Groups.
  3. Add users to a catalog permission group by selecting the group on the left.
  4. Click the users drop down to select which users should be entered into the catalog permission group.
Define Procurement Catalog Permission Groups

Assign Catalog Permission Groups to Categories

  1. Assign catalog permission groups to categories by choosing catalog structure.
  2. Select the category on the left side navigation to add groups.
  3. Add groups to a category through the manage category groups pop-up window then click submit.
Assign Catalog Permission Groups To Categories

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